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Luther's Friends

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Luther's Page

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At 11:31pm on August 12, 2008, The Anthony Robbins Foundation said…
I found a thread where someone was asking about removing invite from all but administrators and you mentioned you might be able to help him. I have that same need myself.
At 3:37pm on August 1, 2008, JBO$$ said…
I'm sorry...that was a typo. I meant altering the ning code? Also do you now how to change the setting where it requires members to be friend before they can send a message to on another.
At 7:12pm on July 27, 2008, JBO$$ said…
Are you still in the business of alerting code?
At 2:29pm on May 8, 2008, zenseeker said…
Saw your reply to another post. I'm looking at trying to remove the My Page tab and functionality. I posted this in both developers and creators:
We're just setting up our ning network and, for our purposes, aren't sure we want everyone to make their own page. For our situation it doesn't hold much value right now. Can we turn it off? Also, is there a way to make it available to just certain members if we should choose to do so in the future? I understand we can use roles for members, so hopefully this would be possible. Thank you. BTW, so far we love ning. It's more than we could have wished for in something that's FREE!

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again.
At 11:47am on March 14, 2008, Keith Powers said…
Thanks for the note Luther. A couple of people contacted me and got a few more leads from a friend that works at Ning. Looks like it is about 1 days work with testing etc.

This is on hold for now while we decide if this is the best platform.

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