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Laura's Comments

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At 7:36pm on March 22, 2010, Oni Oluwatimilehin said…
hi laura,
i will love to be your friend.thanks
At 9:23am on January 20, 2010, Marshall David Hanks said…
Hi Laura, I, Marshall Hanks and I'm the founder of, I would kindly like to ask you what type of problem I'm haviong and how to resolve the following issue. I have added the Twitter OMG application news feed on both my main page as well as my profile page on my site. Now when I do it will NO longer let me make any edits to my page or main page plus my music files are not showing up nor can I use the quick add link to the right of the site. Is there some compatibility issues? If so please let me know how to get access to delete the Twitter app all together.
At 9:40am on December 28, 2009, P J said…
Hi Laura. When I start a new page on my site ( , no matter how many times I "space" or press "enter", the entire page is like one paragraph. On one of the pages, for instance, I made a list of resources and it looks like one big paragraph. Can you help me change that? Thanks so much. Happy New Year!
At 3:43am on November 26, 2009, ryuga hideki said…
hi ms laura can you help me for my site? its im having a problem my language editor cannot edit and no one can comment to my page thankz ^^
At 5:41am on November 21, 2009, prince tresor said…
u are so nice
At 2:37am on November 12, 2009, nitin said…
hello dear
At 2:37am on November 12, 2009, nitin said…
hello dear
At 2:38am on October 24, 2009, Ivan said…
Why not to do so that did participants earn credits not mediocre by the participation on a site ? not active participants can acquire credits for a money ........ Say is there a variant to correct this situation ? Or is it another hint to purchase services of requiring payments ?
At 8:15am on October 19, 2009, Dimitrio said…

Success, young-lady Laura !
At 10:25am on September 14, 2009, lejyoner said…
hello how are you
At 6:55am on September 12, 2009, Lynne NJ said…
I need emergency help. I have had a help ticket (00035276) in since last night. My site has disappeared. I cannot get anyone on the phone at NING. I am a dog rescue and I have pending dogs. Please, Please help me. 732.741.1297 - Lynne
At 7:03pm on September 10, 2009, Hezekiah Ben Israel said…
Join the ning nation. If you like simulating government, fame, power, and everyday life. Join this online nation.
At 4:28am on September 3, 2009, sai myo thant said…
hello, good day, i want to fri
At 12:30pm on August 27, 2009, Alok said…
hi laura
At 6:11pm on August 25, 2009, joey said…
hi laura,

have a nice day, me i ask a favor, can you help me for my problem, i've planning to delete all discussion we've have on my web please how to delete in one time option for delation can you help me?
At 4:34am on August 17, 2009, hevan mahesa said…
At 11:47pm on July 24, 2009, Mr. Jayphati said…
Hi, Laura

nice to meet you,
I tried to copy your photo because it is nice, but I can't it
At 2:37am on July 10, 2009, giuliapula said…
i wont to by your frend , thanks .
At 9:11pm on July 1, 2009, Battle Of The Schools said…
I'm just getting my site up and I want to create a banner. do you have any recommendations! It's going to be a music/entertainment site.

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