Ning Developer Docs

Want to develop a Ning App? Here are some suggestions!

Since launching Ning Apps last month, we've received a lot of great feedback from our Network Creators about additional apps they'd love to see on their Ning networks. We thought we'd post a short suggestion list to help inspire you, our awesome developers.

Reviews - Enable members of a Ning Network to share reviews of restaurants, local businesses and services, electronics, movies, music and more. Or create an app that lets the Network Creator create their own custom reviews application.

Favorites - A Ning App that lets members of a Ning Network build a list of their favorite things. They can choose from default list types (favorite posts, movies, music, books or TV) or create their own custom favorites type.

Give Away - Whether you're a Freecycling or Freesharing group that is dedicated to giving stuff away or you're a group that wants to make exchanges possible among people in your Ning Network, an application like this would make it easier for folks to give stuff away.

Places Map - A way for members of a Ning Network to share information about places that are relevant to the group. You can customize the map to make it about a specific type of place (e.g. restaurants, dog parks or tourist attractions) or leave it open to anything.

Questions & Answers - Enable members to ask and answer questions

Quote Me - Create a collection of your group's favorite quotes

Recipes - Enable recipe sharing among members of a Ning Network

Happy building! If you create a Ning App, you can submit it here. If anyone has any questions or comments, let us know. Thanks!

Views: 407


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Comment by Texas Blues Roadhouse on October 20, 2009 at 1:52pm
You need to add "Event Calendar" to the list of apps needed. The one you guys provide only gives the bare bones features. We need one that has recurring events and possibly iCal integration. It would also be nice if it supported RSS exporting or exporting as a Ning widget so that it could be embedded in other sites. If anyone has any suggestions on how to develop such an app, please let me know. I'm going to try and figure it out.
Comment by John Frost on October 19, 2009 at 9:45am
Here are some I would love to see:
A better way to see the members who are online. S4N had a Whos'Online bar that was terrific. Remember this?

An app that would let you put more textboxes like the one the S4N people offered. Control freak is a MUST for any network. I have stopped Trolls in their tracks with it. The system lets you know what people connect from the same computer and you can figure out who has the fake account they are using for mischief. In fact, Ning bought them out, why not offer the old S4N package as an add on, even if it costs a little bit. I know it is still compatible as I have it on some of my networks. I know these are not apps necessarily but they are more useful than any app I have seen yet.
John Frost
Comment by Ernie H. on October 7, 2009 at 5:20pm
Vince: Yep. I'll update this to make it clearer.
Comment by Vince on October 7, 2009 at 4:55pm

When you say "group" do you mean site users?

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