Ning Developer Docs

Something look different? Yeah, we think so too. Hopefully, in a good way :)

As you've figured out by now, we just launched a redesigned Ning Developer Network to emphasize the amazing stuff you can do on Ning with OpenSocial 0.7 APIs.

From our new Ning Developer Network, you also now have the opportunity to submit your OpenSocial applications to the Ning Application Directory, where your applications will be showcased to millions of members across the over 500,000 social networks on Ning.

Not to fear, we still have all the same great documentation that was here before, as we know that writing code to customize your social network on Ning isn't limited to taking advantage of OpenSocial APIs to develop new applications. All the tutorials and resources previously available are still here - the forum is still your place to go if you have any questions about the code that powers your social network, and if you're looking for your PHP, Javascript and CSS tutorials and reference documents, you can find them all in the Resources dropdown menu.

As for this blog? Think of it as your first stop for announcements and resources on developing on Ning. As always, we're excited to hear your feedback as we continue to iterate and make it awesome. Stay tuned!

- Ernie

PS: Okay, there's been so much demand for people asking how the team made the Developer Network's main page look the way it does without decentralizing code that I created a test network with instructions on how to do so. A word of warning though -- it's recommended for advanced CSS gurus ONLY; the reason for creating this is to prove that with a little bit of smoke and mirrors and creativity, you can really have your main pages look a LOT different from the other social networks.

Views: 36


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Comment by Vaughn on October 22, 2008 at 5:27pm
Hey, I want the blog to be on my main page when i add this css and its not allowing it to work. can u help me plz?
Comment by mikaela on October 19, 2008 at 12:47pm
great job Michael!
Comment by Michael on October 19, 2008 at 4:34am
hi guys...please checkout my new network using Ernie's Tutorial..
Comment by Ernie H. on October 15, 2008 at 12:04am
Hi Oliver,

Basically, OpenSocial Applications expect the default placement of an application to be inside a profile view, because all other social network containers only give members access to their profile pages. Ning is different in that people on Ning can be members of social networks, but they can create the social networks as well. OS 0.5 allowed the gadgets to be placed on the home page, but if you noticed a lot of old Ning gadgets, developers couldn't get much information about a member who installed the application or any information that would make the gadget, well, social.

Regarding time: we don't know yet. Hopefully sooner rather than later. (Sorry for the vagueness.)

Thanks, Ernie
Comment by Oliver on October 14, 2008 at 4:28am
Hi Earnie,

thanks a lot for your quick answer. Any plans when this will happen (weeks, months, 1-2 years?).

But coming back to your answer - the gadgets beta, which based on OS 0.5 can be placed on the main page today.
Why not doing so which the OS0.7 applications also?

Thanks & Cheers
Comment by Ernie H. on October 13, 2008 at 10:17pm
Hi Oliver, the ability to let NCs blacklist/whitelist particular applications and put the application on the main page is something Ning very much wants to do, and we'll be doing this in a future implementation. (Note that the OpenSocial v0.7 spec assumes that Ning is like any other social network and that members only have control over their profile pages. That means we'll have to develop some code off the OpenSocial spec, but we're definitely looking to do that.)
Comment by mikaela on October 13, 2008 at 11:21am
Yes Ernie, PLEASE post tell us when you've posted the tutorial. i've browsed through the resources but didnt see anything. did i miss it?
Comment by Ivan Pope on October 13, 2008 at 9:39am
What I'd like to know is when the Directory is going to be made public?
Comment by Oliver on October 13, 2008 at 4:06am
Hi Earnie,

is that correct, that OS applications can only be used on profile pages and only if the user adds the app.

What can do if want to do the following:

1.) I don't want to decouple the/my code form Ning
2.) I want to use OS for additional application development
3.) I want to put the application on the main page
4.) I want to add the application for all and not only let the user do it - force him to do

Consider using Ning as an portal server with using OS for own application development within Ning.

Is that possible and if not (when) will it be possible in furture?

Thanks a lot
BTW. I've commented here before but my post disappeared and is now only visible on my profile page. Why?
Comment by Abel on October 12, 2008 at 4:43pm
Excellent news! Keep it up guys, this is better than any other Social network out there!

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