Ning Developer Docs

Vanessa M.Jordan
  • Female
  • Neon, KY
  • United States
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At 4:21pm on January 9, 2009, Vanessa M.Jordan said…
My name is Vanessa Jordan, I am a stay at home mom, who after a year of research finally found a legitimate work at home business, that's not an MLM! I help people sign up for preferred customer accounts with an exceptional wellness company that has over 350 products that we use everyday in our home, they are safe and effective, I love these products, after I have researched the ingredients in the cleaning supplies and personal care products that we buy in the store, I became very anger! Its my personal mission now to inform other moms and everyone just exactly what they are putting in our products! I will not continue to make those product giants one cent richer! They could care less that they are killing us with the very products that they sell us, and they use the caustic chemicals that they do, because they are cheap and effective! Like for example formaldehyde!!! It has know carcinogen's in it! They are giving our children cancer! And as long as they continue to get rich, they don't care! The company I work with has made safe and effective products for over 23 years, instead of spending millions on advertising and paying big stars to endorse them, they take that money and use it to make a better quality product that's safe and cost effective! I love these products, they have changed my home into a healthier, happier, place to be, where I don't have to worry about my babies accidentally getting into something that will kill them! contact me and I will help you in any way I can to get these products and if you need an extra stream of income I can help you with that also, I'll give you all of the information you need to make a educated decision yourself! or visit my website and I will give you a call!

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