Ning Developer Docs

TJ @ jQueryHelp
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TJ @ jQueryHelp's Friends

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  • Alex Wang 小正正
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  • Yasi

I'm here to learn and to help. :)

About Me | About jQueryHelp

Hello! I have been a Software Engineer / Programmer for many years. I am here at Ning to help people customize their Ning Networks using JavaScript, jQuery, and external Database applications. I answer some questions in this Developer Network for Free. I also answer some questions for Free at, my Ning Network. I am also available for special projects and I will be happy to quote you a price for my services. My minimum fee is $75 so if that is not in your budget, try posting your question in one of the mentioned Networks or ask one of the other fine developers that offer services in this Forum for their assistance.

DONATIONS: Some have asked if I have a PayPal account. If I have helped you here and you feel like donating, I thank you very much!

My PayPal email:


I have a Free Ning Network where I develop and test JavaScript and jQuery code:

This Network is Public (Just the Main Page) and I chose to "Approve new members before they can join." I MAY NOT approve anyone unless I know them from HERE, so you might want to send me a Message here, or write on my Comment Wall, if you are joining jQueryHelp, so I know who you are when I see you over there! :)

Comment Wall (54 comments)

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At 10:18pm on April 2, 2010, admin said…
Looking for smileys for a looong time, need your OK to join jQueryHelp.
Thank You.
At 3:40pm on December 10, 2009, Yasi said…
Hi Tj
How can i remove google ads with JS ? i know it with css but i want know how it hide with js . tnx :x
At 12:20am on December 8, 2009, TJ @ jQueryHelp said…
Hello good people!

I have not visited My Page here lately and I see that some questions have been asked. The best chance of having your questions answered is to ask them at which is my ning network for helping with javascript and jQuery ning mods. We have over 250 members there and if I don't have the time or knowledge to answer a question, there is a good chance one of the other members may be able to answer. So please join us over at

Thanks and Best Wishes!

At 4:01am on November 30, 2009, Miles Thompson said…
hey TJ,

what a great thing you are doing - I'm going over to join your network at jqueryHelp.ning just now so wanted to drop a note here to say hi before I ask for membership

specifically im going to be trying to create a jquery app that basically brings in data, via JSON, from a separate site and renders it (ideally with jquery + 'pure' templating,

much improved mood just seeing that you exist - miles
At 2:00am on November 20, 2009, Yasi said…
Hi ,,can i have ur Yahoo id ? ?:)
At 11:38am on November 8, 2009, Keyser Soze said…
Hey TJ,

I'm a self taught web developer,and just looking for some answers and possibly help those who are in need as well. Would be sweet if you let me join your jqueryhelp network. Thanks for your time.
At 8:44pm on November 3, 2009, Ktrek said…
Hello TJ

I saw your reply to the hiding your online status question and the code you provided. I was wondering if that code could be used in a members APPEARANCE section in the ADVANCED area and allow just a single user to hide their online status instead of the site having to hide everyone? The reason I ask is because as the creator of the site I like to see who is online but I have one member who thinks it invades their privacy and wants to be able to turn that feature off. Thanks for your help.

At 4:02pm on October 5, 2009, opjjuly said…
hey, can you please check out my discussion, need help..
At 5:43pm on October 4, 2009, MAT said…
Please allow me to become your site members..thx alot Tj
At 7:47am on September 28, 2009, carib'e-biz said…

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