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  • Jesse Stewart

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At 9:54am on January 16, 2008, Gary said…
Ok well I will take a look at the code I will have to create a Ning page for hacking purposes. From what I have seen so far it seems to be more complex than it would appear to be. Sounds like we would be doing the same thing.
At 9:26am on January 16, 2008, Jesse Stewart said…
Well I created a static extra top bar for my "maps" feature I'm working on, then realized there was a tutorial for it later and other than that I haven't really done much. There aren't that many mods I want to make. Basically just reorganization of the front page so I can feature the videos for the show I'm making on it in a mre showcased manner, I know how I want to do it but ning has made it difficult, I requested the source coding and (apparently) was given acces to it, even though I've already looked at it a lot, but I can't find the actual acces point that they say they've given me.
At 9:13am on January 16, 2008, Jesse Stewart said…
if you have msn you should add me at
At 8:25am on January 16, 2008, Jesse Stewart said…
Oh, I didn't see the thing that said I can hack code on your profile, so I'm assuming that you plan on doing that yourself. I'm working on just some simple table organization on my page that it under construction but the way ning has created columns on the main page has made it severely difficult for me because I am not experienced with this stuff, at all. If you could help me out sometime, show me where to zig where I should have zagged, I would be very grateful.

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