I ended up loosing all the comments. With the new tabs you could re-theme your ning blog and add it as a subdomain? Thats what I am doing with my new podcast. You may also be able to run it in an iframe?
I am coming from wordpress.org and I got almost exactly the same results you did. But that's OK...
Yeah, my network is bastionofreason.ning.com I just opened it up today...feel free to join (I still have the approval thing on, though).
my blog is www.logipundit.com, and I probably won't be blogging on ning until I get the import to work, but in the meantime, I can have forum discussions there more easily than on my wordpress blog.
No, the import did not work, so I coppied a years worth of posts over by hand. :( Honestly all I lost was the comments, and I am VERY happy with Ning as a platform dispite a few issues. It's new, but it's awesome and getting better!
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Yeah, my network is bastionofreason.ning.com I just opened it up today...feel free to join (I still have the approval thing on, though).
my blog is www.logipundit.com, and I probably won't be blogging on ning until I get the import to work, but in the meantime, I can have forum discussions there more easily than on my wordpress blog.
Make it a great day!
Thanks for the compliment on the site... I do like politics... whats your URL?