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karl ortenburg
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karl ortenburg's Page

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At 3:36pm on April 15, 2008, Ronaldo Richieri said…
Hi! Hello! Aloha! Que tal?

Nice to meet you :-)
At 4:53pm on April 10, 2008, LRon said…
Hi Karl,

If you're looking for a developer, we're currently doing custom Ning site, drop me a message at nalds [at] lavabit [dot] com, I could help you out with this and future modifications.



Karl's Profile: "Why I do what I do."

"Under 10% of all new Businesses survive their first 10 Years!"


Why I do (Purpose)

karl ortenburgMy personal motto is "Where will I add value today?"

I believe that if most people could work in a field they really enjoyed, this world would be an even better place.

1 Million new businesses get created in the USA alone every year but over 90% of all new businesses fail in their first 10 years ...

That is a shocking number. Can you imagine all the broken dreams, the countless hours wasted, the families devasted, the brave ones humiliated, the money lost?

I would like to help to decrease the number of new businesses failing every year. I will do that by helping Internet entrepreneurs to grow their business profits online by at least 10% per year.

I believe the best place to build a new business is on the Internet and here are a number of reasons for it. Some are that an Internet business is easily built in steps, with little upfront cost, little financial commitment.

The Internet is booming and growing massively and your business can be shown to millions of potential customers wherever you live.

By flying in a "V" formation, geese add 71% greater flying range than if the bird flew alone. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an "uplift" for the bird following.

People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.

Lessons from Geese

Put another way: By flying in V formation, geese have only to put in a 29% effort to get 100% out.

If they flew alone, they would have to put in 100% to get 100% out.

What's Your Purpose?

I have teamed up with a growing number of likeminded entrepreneurs | managers and we are currently building (iEL) a network community hub. iEL connects entrepreneurs with Internet experts and business coaches to help them expand their business quickly.

We believe that in world of modern telecommunication, Network Communities provide the optimal way to connect the right people and from a search engine point of view they are the most effective strategy to get to Google's top pages.

In iEL, Entrepreneurs will accelerate with appropriate advice from Experts who understand the business situation they are in. Coaches will help entrepreneurs to stay on track.

Sometimes to be able to ask someone knowledgeable or run a problem by them can propel you forward, whereas on your own, you would be stuck for hours or days, getting less motivated every minute.

Example: I recently read a manual for a a simple irrigation system and I read it again and again. After the third time ... I still didn't understand how to set the irrigation times (and think I am usually pretty good in reading manuals). So I called the experts, Gardena, the irrigation system company. Their support person needed about 3 minutes to tell me how it works and I irrigated happily thereafter.

If entrepreneurs could just pick up the phone or go to an advice hub online to get some immediate guidance, I am pretty sure this would vastly increase the numbers of successful entrepreneurs and decrease the large sums of money lost.

That is why we are building the 'iEL network - community - hub', connecting online entrepreneurs with Internet experts and business coaches. The Entrepreneur has the vision, the Expert the appropriate advice and the Coach the means to keep the entrepreneur on track to his/her goals. is a:

If there is light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.

Chinese Proverb

- Network, where we share and discuss the best Social Network Web 2.0 techniques to promote ones brand and business,
- Community, where we are connecting a large number of Online Entrepreneurs, Internet Experts and Business Coaches, giving them the opportunity to get to know each other,
- Hub, where entrepreneurs can turn to iEL and its partners whenever they need tips, news, help, feedback, advice, support to expand their business with web 2.0 strategies.

Communities have long been powerful resources offline and are just beginning to demonstrate the opportunities they provide online. We believe almost all entrepreneur, small, medium or large company will be able to tap into that community power if done right. However if not done right, they will pay a hefty price as some companies like AOL, Walmart, Sony and others already have demonstrated.



What I do

Social Network Web 2.0 Business

  • Current
    • karl ortenburgManaging Director at /
  • Past

Internet-Experts-LIVE is the Web 2.0 specialist of Advanced Marketing on the Internet Ltd (AMI), an international provider of Online Marketing Information, Consultancy and Implementation Services.

Internet-Experts-LIVE provides the following services:



CorinnaWho I am

My name is Karl Ortenburg and I founded in 1996. I am happily married and have two wonderful sons with my beautiful wife Corinna. We live in South Kensington, London, United Kingdom.

I grew up in the Frankonian hills and woods near Coburg, Bavaria, and completed school in Switzerland. After the army in Germany and my time at Deutsche Bank in Munich, I studied at the University of Zurich in a city with great friends, a fresh lake and the Alps right behind it. After my studies in Computer Science, and Anthropology, I started to work for an Information Brokerage Consultancy Firm in Zurich and Bern.

kvcI then joined Bertelsmann AG, one of the largest media companies in the world. After several years with long office hours I moved to London, United Kingdom, to attend a Sloan MSc at London Business School. In 1996 I founded, where I remain as a managing director until today.

Besides my work life, I treasure my family and friends. I enjoy life in general, sports and music, travel and so much more. I support several child and water related charities and have worked over several years with mentally and physically handicapped children taking them to Lourdes, France with the Malteser Kinderzug.





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"So easy to understand"
"... So easy to understand. I learned a lot the material is probably enough to spread over a whole week. ..."
» Niki Lawrence
, SES, International Charity:

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... [he] was able to demonstrate clearly that these strategies do work to promote my business far in excess of ordinary strategies. ...
» Paul Mitchell, Director P. Mitchell Associates,
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