Ning Developer Docs

Zarzing (Dustin)

Zarzing (Dustin)'s Friends

  • SuzSee of Pet Lovers Paradise
  • Zulu
  • Lydia Brown
  • neiva
  • Just~Me
  • Steven Bonacorsi
  • mujdin
  • Bill Vick
  • Jamie Lynn Morgan
  • Valerie Spata
  • Coyote Lee
  • Chris Holland
  • chihiro anime
  • TDougout
  • David Norris

Zarzing (Dustin)'s Page!

Zarzing is almost here!

Zarzing! is almost here!
Zarzing will offer its staff of 100 to you and your network if you join Zarzing! We have been working on perfecting the network and the staff and getting everything going for 6 month's now and we have FINISHED IT!
How can you help me/my network?
How can we help is we will offer our staff of 100 that are good with Design and Development to you?
What dose it cost?
No that's right NOTHING!
What's the catch?
The only catch is that you send in weekly updates about your network how many people have joined in the 1 week period so we can better suite your network with the staff.
How can you back this up that you are for real?
Well the only thing we have to back up at this time is...
1.) Our Creator has been working with Ning for about 3 years
2.) Know's the Ning platform very well
3.) Can just about get anything that needs to be done done!
4.) Everyone in our staff except 5 people(The one who don't have a degree just read over the reports you send in) have a degree in HTML,CSS and Development and Design.
5.) All of our staff member's also receive more training with someone that has worked on the Ning Platform for at least 6 month's and knows how it work's!
Okay this all makes sence but other than send in the weekly report's what els do I have to do?
What els well nothing really our design team will get in contact with you right after you are accepted as well as the Developer's they will talk with you about a few thing's
1.) How you want your Netowork to look
2.) If addon's what type
So do I have control over my network still?
We just help you when you need help.
Do I have to give you my login details?
We do require that we have an account on the network that is an Admin though.
Why do you need an account that is an Admin?
So we can do proper updates that might be needed for something.
If I join do you own my Social Network or do I?
YOU OWN YOUR SOCIAL NETWORK! We get asked this every time a new network joins our long list of Network's.
If I want to leave Zarzing what happen's?
If you decided to leave at anytime you will have to speak to one of the support staff so they can determine what we will take with us when we leave.
So if you add somthing to my network like a design our a add on I don't own it?
Yes and No. You own it for the duration of your stay with us but when we leave we have the right to take our design our addon's and anyother scripts/code's we provded for you.
What happen's if I demote you from admin and don't let you take you stuff back?
Legal action will be taken against you and your network.
What do you sue for?
We so for Copyright and Scamming
I understand now. How do I join?
You join by going to our Zarzing site.

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 6:44am on July 15, 2009, Oralei said…
Bookmark 4 later
At 5:14pm on July 11, 2009, NIK said…
I need help .. how we can remove the titel bar of ning..
(Ning Create Your Own SocialNetwork )
pls help me
At 4:38pm on March 22, 2009, The Ning Scripter! said…
WOW! You Liear!
At 7:38am on February 22, 2009, PCOSgurl said…
Thanks for bringing up SocialGo. I don't plan on switching from Ning anytime soon, but I'm wondering if you've tinkered with SG and have any 'big standouts' about the differences between the two platforms? thx
At 1:44pm on February 16, 2009, jim said…
hi!!! I upload an image to my server through webdav but i don't know how to take its link to add it to my social network...(i use as an external server the freehostia but it seems having problems as it doesn't upload the image...) Please answer me!!!
Thanx Jim.
At 5:44am on February 5, 2009, Barbara Alexander said…
Now busy man Dustin, you do not respond back to e-mails. I sent the message to Zulu like you said and have heard nothing more from you! How was AZ? I hope you are having fun and we still need you buddy!
At 2:09am on January 29, 2009, Barbara Alexander said…
Hey Dustin, I need you like yesterday man. Please help me get that chat up and running. My network, is going crazy!!!

Let me know when you have some time. Check your in box.
At 6:57am on January 15, 2009, staywarm said…
Hi Dustin,

I am interested in getting the contact us functionality that you posted about last April. Please let me know how to go about this.

At 10:06pm on December 26, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
OK, I am contacting you now!
At 8:38pm on December 25, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
When you click on the chat tab it sends you to the page but you can not continue to browse the site.

Birthday Icon- I have add the Birthday bitton to the list, however there are no people showing on the list. They are not able to access it.

Zarzing (Dustin)'s Blog

Ning Ad's

WOW! I am inpressed Ning finaly upgraded the type of ad's that display on a Ning site. If you haven't seen them I attached a pic below.

Posted on February 24, 2009 at 12:49pm


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