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Zarzing (Dustin)'s Comments

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At 6:44am on July 15, 2009, Oralei said…
Bookmark 4 later
At 5:14pm on July 11, 2009, NIK said…
I need help .. how we can remove the titel bar of ning..
(Ning Create Your Own SocialNetwork )
pls help me
At 4:38pm on March 22, 2009, The Ning Scripter! said…
WOW! You Liear!
At 7:38am on February 22, 2009, PCOSgurl said…
Thanks for bringing up SocialGo. I don't plan on switching from Ning anytime soon, but I'm wondering if you've tinkered with SG and have any 'big standouts' about the differences between the two platforms? thx
At 1:44pm on February 16, 2009, jim said…
hi!!! I upload an image to my server through webdav but i don't know how to take its link to add it to my social network...(i use as an external server the freehostia but it seems having problems as it doesn't upload the image...) Please answer me!!!
Thanx Jim.
At 5:44am on February 5, 2009, Barbara Alexander said…
Now busy man Dustin, you do not respond back to e-mails. I sent the message to Zulu like you said and have heard nothing more from you! How was AZ? I hope you are having fun and we still need you buddy!
At 2:09am on January 29, 2009, Barbara Alexander said…
Hey Dustin, I need you like yesterday man. Please help me get that chat up and running. My network, is going crazy!!!

Let me know when you have some time. Check your in box.
At 6:57am on January 15, 2009, staywarm said…
Hi Dustin,

I am interested in getting the contact us functionality that you posted about last April. Please let me know how to go about this.

At 10:06pm on December 26, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
OK, I am contacting you now!
At 8:38pm on December 25, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
When you click on the chat tab it sends you to the page but you can not continue to browse the site.

Birthday Icon- I have add the Birthday bitton to the list, however there are no people showing on the list. They are not able to access it.
At 10:30am on December 25, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
Hey Dustin, how are you doing? I have a few questions,firstI I never got thechat thing down. I want to be able to see the page and chat.

The other question is how do I get the birthday on the main page to work? The icon is showing but the people are not registering under it at all.
At 8:14pm on December 7, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
Hey Dustin, how can people delete their own pictures on their page?
At 8:36pm on September 8, 2008, Denzell said…
yes i would like to find out how to add chat to my page can u help me
At 6:55am on September 6, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
Instant messenger! Sorry forgetting back to you so late, but the weekends are my main time on here.
At 8:48pm on September 3, 2008, Mota4207 said…
Sure email addy is

Thanx & I look forward to hearing from you.

At 11:36pm on September 2, 2008, Mota4207 said…
Hey partner & I are very interested in learning more about your tokbox chat & possibly getting it on our site. When you have the time it would be appreciated if you would email me more on the subject. Thanx, Jimmy
At 11:22am on September 2, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
I hate that the computer can not allow you to read your old question so you can remember the conversation. I don't know write now but I will think of it later.

However do you know how to put instant chat sessions on your site?
At 8:22am on August 28, 2008, Barbara Alexander said…
Thanks Dustin, when I get off work or sit down, I will come back to you with my questions.
At 4:53pm on July 7, 2008, Biff Here said…
dustin, do email me regarding chat integration. thanks!
ning [at]
At 3:47pm on June 18, 2008, Crystal Legend said…
hey thanks where do i put it in

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