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LRon's Comments

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At 1:28pm on February 22, 2010, Shawna Suckow said…
Hi, LRon,

I was wondering if you could create a custom app for my Ning network. The app needs to review/rate hotels, restaurants, etc that the network members work with. Please let me know if you could help me out!

Thanks, Shawna
At 4:51pm on January 26, 2010, MAT said…
Do you know how to add ads under forum or photos?

Like this
At 12:39pm on November 9, 2009, susan heins said…
Hello LRon,
I look forward to seeing your quote.
Thank you, Sue
At 11:46am on October 20, 2009, Phil Gammage said…
Hi LRon,

Please let me know some more information on your services regarding email forms for Ning.

At 11:54am on October 5, 2009, Party Pelican said…
LRon can you provide me with some details on your services and rates
At 8:18pm on September 27, 2009, drew said…
hi LRon, if you can create an example that makes a 'catagories' list for the blog module, i may be interested in your services upon assessment. If you think you can do that, let me know, i will provide details on what i would expect.

At 6:50am on September 25, 2009, Phil Williams said…
Hi LRon,

If you can tell me how to fix this issue i'll definitely consider you for any future development work.

My guess is this one is too difficult to fix though right?


At 2:02pm on September 8, 2009, berto said…
At 4:00pm on September 7, 2009, berto said…
LRon, I am interested in your help with creating a directory for our members on our Ning site. We are basically looking for a business directory list with name, address, URL, description, product service they sell, coupon (just text). Let me know if you can help and price.
At 11:29pm on September 6, 2009, Lenny Burgess said…
Hi thank you for your message! I am interested to see what prices you charge!

Ok, I am looking for a signing in page with images and the signing in box incorporated within the image! I would like to be able to upload videos to the signing-in-page and also ads

Is this something you can help me with? if so, can you email me a quote?


At 7:07am on August 2, 2009, ZENWAY .com said…
I am interested.
At 9:37am on July 10, 2009, ADMIN said…
Hey LRon, I'm am trying to add a ning made slideshow as the background for my login page, here: I have the html edited for the slideshow i just need it to go in the background
At 11:43am on July 6, 2009, igoy cavalera said…
I want to add a web search to the header on my Ning - can you help me brother? thanks before...

At 5:57pm on June 28, 2009, ddeubel said…

Thanks for leaving a message about the tags and search. I'd really like a solution and yes, do have code/file access through webdav for the community.

Let me know if you'd be able to do something to help us. We are educational and non profit but I'm willing to pay a reasonable amount if we could get a search page that will pull up only titles (nicely designed) and also pull up tags in the search or at least design a list of the tags which users could click on .

We are at You can use our generic id/pw to log on and see the network ID - PW eflclassroom

Thanks and look forward to any help you can offer.

At 12:42am on April 15, 2009, Andy K said…
How much?
At 7:01pm on March 23, 2009, Aon Music said…
yes am interested that wouldnt be a problem let me know whenever you are ready
At 7:15pm on March 19, 2009, Poetess said…
Hello I just added myself to your network, I was wondering if you could approve my request. Thanks!
At 2:58pm on March 6, 2009, Sandy said…
You will have to ask to be added.. I don't know how to do it any other way.. it's amazing I have gotten this far in my life and on this site.. lol
At 2:51pm on March 6, 2009, Sandy said…
I can't even figure out how to get to your mail box.. I will add you as a friend to our site and then what give you admistrator power?

while you are there... lol> could you check out our chat room.. lol
At 8:08am on March 6, 2009, LeRoy Hill said…
Hi LRon
THank you for offering your services. However, I am running a non-profit service and do not have the financial resources to accept your offer. If you would like to be listed as a sponsor of the network that would be good.

By the way how much would i cost. I can also see if I get someone to sponsor the costs.


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