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Vaqz's Comments

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At 10:32pm on November 2, 2009, KapwaPinoy said…
At 3:12pm on October 17, 2009, MAT said…
Hello Vaqz, Do you know how to replace the old members page? i really don't like smaller profile photos and display fewer lines of text per member...
At 6:43pm on October 14, 2009, RaYMonD HeraMIZ said…
At 12:10pm on October 9, 2009, Michel Lemay said…
Great - works fine. Thanks. Michel.
At 6:42am on October 8, 2009, Michel Lemay said…
Thanks for your answer re: swf file in 4th column. It worked great. I tried to add a link to the image, but could not do it however.
At 2:35pm on August 13, 2009, MAT said…
Hey friend
any idea how to add smile face on the comment box
At 5:03am on July 9, 2009, Darcie said…
It worked on centering the text I was removing - now see site for header that needs to be centered. Will the same code work? I am unable to find the image I uploaded in my css code.38minsCode2.txt
At 4:53am on July 9, 2009, Darcie said…
Hi Vaqz,

I have a .jpg I want to put up as the header & center. Once I get that done, I'll remove the name that's there.

Uploading file below38minsHeader.jpg
At 4:33am on July 9, 2009, Darcie said…
Thanks so much. It's 38mintues
At 5:28am on June 19, 2009, vaqz said…

The NING For Dummies
The Perfect NING Network for NewNINGers exlcusive for NC only
At 7:57pm on May 6, 2009, 휘성keM휘성 said…
~~nyahhh. . kuya var you're cool ~~~~dude!!!
At 8:33pm on April 24, 2009, Patrick Chappelle said…
It's miss Jen, And you're welcome ;-)
At 8:03pm on April 24, 2009, Patrick Chappelle said…
You Should Be Back On The Directory Now vaqz. Understand, that when you respond with random letters, that's exactly how spambots answer profile questions, so it wasn't so much as you breaking the rules, to all intents and purposes, it appeared that you were a program rather than a human. Jen says she likes your network too, and she apologizes.
At 5:48am on April 23, 2009, Patrick Chappelle said…
Now I see WHy you asked if I was still using the S4N scirpts! Pure CSS is your network, no? If you're not HERE already,you should be.

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