Ning Developer Docs

Now that we're 100% focused on enhancing the features and services we offer to paying Network Creators, I wanted to take a moment to give a sneak peek at our product roadmap for external developers.

We've heard a great deal of feedback since introducing Ning Apps last fall, and we're hoping to address many of the developer suggestions/pain points that have been collected. In the interest of setting appropriate timing expectations, we're not assigning specific dates (yet) to the list outlined below, however we'll be sure to communicate updates as soon as they become available.

Here's our plan for upcoming months:

1) Allow Ning Apps to be placed on the Main page of a Ning Network

2) Increase the limit of installable Ning Apps on a network from 5 to 10

3) Update our OpenSocial container to include REST support

4) Introduce a number of new read/write APIs for use by Ning Apps as well as mobile and/or desktop applications

In addition, we're investigating options that will allow developers to collect one-time and/or ongoing revenue through a direct relationship with Ning. More on this to come.

We're excited about our new direction, and look forward to working closely together.

Kyle Ford
Director of Partner Design & Development, Ning

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Comment by Carlos Crosetti on May 29, 2010 at 4:09pm
Please provide with the REST endpoint to queey the social network. I wrote an open-source Pharo Smalltalk REST client library and want to test against Ning! Thanks, Carlos

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