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Dieselpunks's Page

What is Dieselpunk?

Dieselpunks logoDieselpunk is a genre of art (and some would argue a sub-culture) that enjoys the aesthetics of the 1920's - 1950's; a time when diesel technology was king. A time filled with super spies, pulp heroes, robot villains, and gum shoes beating the mean streets. It shares its roots with Steampunk, but bridges the gap between then and now.

Dieselpunk also stretches to encompass an alternate-history environment in which the most important aspect of society is diesel fuel, and the machinery that depends upon it. A manipulation on an alternate, future 1950s from the developed technology and society of the 1930's, where the Great Depression never arrived thus World War II is still being fought as a prolonged Cold War. In turn, Japan continues its progress towards technological modernization, developing the earliest computers and terminals. Nazi scientists continue experimenting by taking the route of biotechnology, sparking off a genetic revolution of bio-mods, clones, and organ harvesting. Whilst the Americans and British take both of these technologies to develop mind-control devices, spawning man-machine interfaces and sparking the atomic-powered machine age.

Whatever you call it, dieselpunk is a love of what the future used to be like.

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"The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be." - Dr. Damon Molinarius

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