Dear Friends,
Come celebrate life with us! We are an online support community for those family and friend, who have been touched by cancer…directly or indirectly! This is a place for people to tell their story, talk about their daily struggles, and share tips that they have learned. Additionally, members can help each other, comfort each other, and make new friends. We focus on surviving and coping with living beyond cancer’s touch.
In the future, this network will provide resources and information on every type of cancer. Our mission is to help every family learn to live beyond cancer’s touch. We have recently moved on-line, in order to reach more families. Come by and honor someone you love, learn ways to cope, and share your favorite recipes. Furthermore, we welcome everyone, because awareness is an important key to surviving cancer’s touch.
Too many websites focus one type of cancer, but all cancers kill. Come laugh at cancer with us…
Laugh At Cancer Support Community
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