Ning Developer Docs

Hi. I've tried various different things to get webdav working including the windows regedit hack, and also tried it with free and paid clients. In all cases it doesn't work. Windows basic requires a certificate (or something like that) even after reghack and restart. Other clients seem to go into an endless loop when I try to download something. recursion?

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Ok. After looking at the cliebnt log its not recursion, it just keeps trying to establish a webdav session when I try to do a download file. FOr some reaons I can get a dir listing no prob. the issue happens when I go to download
BitKinex is the client I'm using, no joy
What are you trying to download? Ning cut off our access to the PHP code a month or two ago. Now, you can only edit CSS files:

I am able to look at the directory of my code using WebDav on Windows Vista and I can download CSS files fine, but I can't download PHP files. Were you hoping to use webdav to edit PHP files? If so, you'll have to find another way to customize your site, like with jQuery and/or OpenSocial.
Interesting. How come they went that route?
Basically I've got an ad in the header that I wanted to change...
Generally, you can use jQuery to add or remove anything from any Ning page. The jQuery doc page is:

If you search in here for jQuery, you'll find some examples of how to add or hide things:
Thx for this :)

Got what I needed done by hacking the analytic section. You'd think they would have a section called 'custom javascript' rather than a weird hack like that!
I'm glad you were able to do what you wanted to do! :)

I think they named it that because it was originally supposed to be used to add Google Analytics code to every page. But more broadly, it can be used to add HTML to the bottom of all pages and JavaScript that effects all pages.


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